Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Weigh In

Well it is the end of my first week! I feel really good about it. Of course there is much room for improvement but I did what I could and each week will build off the last.

...but now it is time to see if all that work showed up in the numbers so here we go:

Weight: 217 to 211.7
Bust: 43.5 to 42
Waist: 43 to 42.5
Hips: 48 to 47.75
Rt Arm: 14 to 13.5
Rt Th: 28 to 27.5


5.3 lbs
1.5" off bust
.5" off waist
.25" off hips
.5" off right arm
.5" off right thigh

still seems strange to me that my thigh measurement is what my waist measurement was when I got married! oh well - that is a number I really look forward to seeing go down - for vanity and my heart's sake. :)

1 comment:

  1. Um holy shrinking girl batman!!! That is amazing for one week, and you didn't even get your workouts in most days! I know not every week will be this way, but damn!!! NICE START! I am so unbelievably proud of you!
